Random Observations

Why You Should NEVER Compare Your Relationships to Others.

***Insightful Female Reblog*** My new friend Minaxi sums up a universal relationship truth in this sweet and clever post.

Gameplan Happily Ever After


There is nothing more saddening and damaging for your relationship than the constant comparison with others. Yet we find most of the couples do the same actively. We need to understand that life is NOT a pageant to compete for imaginary titles 🙂 If YOU do not have faith in your relationship and your future together, who will? Comparing your partner or the lovely bond you both have with others just fuels your feelings of inadequacy, feeds your ego and ultimately makes you lose your peace of mind. I have tried to list down the consequences, this dangerous habit can lead to.

  1. Lose your partner’s love and respect.

It makes sense doesn’t it? If you always hold them up against some measuring stick to see if they can reach some arbitrary standard or if they fall short, who would like it? You chose to be with each other knowing and…

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