Random Observations, The Mom Part

10 Reasons I Love My Sex

As you know, it’s International Women’s Month and I’ve been ponderin’ on the subject of my fellow females quite a bit lately. It’s occurred to me that women can be seriously awesome. Here are just a few reasons why. Feel free to add your own reasons.

  1. Women have wombs. They can grow other humans in their own bodies. And then…
  2. Women are able to keep other humans alive with their own breasts.
  3. Women aren’t afraid to admit other women are beautiful.
  4. Women are nurturing.
  5. Women are loving.
  6. Women aren’t afraid to let you experience your own emotions.
  7. Women are good listeners. Bonus: they won’t try to fix your problems unless you ask.
  8. Women aren’t afraid to lift up others.
  9. Women can be fiercely loyal friends.
  10. Women have “feminine intuition.”
Photo source: pelvicninjas


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